Month: June 2008

How to sleep weel without pills?

Falling asleep — and staying asleep — gets tough as you age. At 65, you have less melatonin than a newborn. Your body’s production of the sleep hormone just dries up. I usually sleep fine. Regular exercise helps. But when…


YouTube and Social Media Trends Sometimes it pays to know a bit of history. Listen to this: The first video on YouTube was posted in April 2005. Since then, YouTube has grown exponentially. These days, 20 hours of video are…

Dog Grooming & Certification Strategy Cashmap

Dog Grooming & Certification Strategy Cashmap Some of you are probably asking yourselves: “What is Simpleology up to by producing a Cashmap on Dog Grooming & Certification?” Well, for one, we’ll be developing more “Lifestyle Cashmaps” in the future based…

5 Ways To Learn New Skills Quickly

It’s essential to learn new skills quickly in today’s information economy. Today, you are what you know. If you want to progress forwards in life, you need to learn new skills. But most adults resent learning. When was the last…

Voice of the Customer Strategy Cashmap

Voice of the Customer Strategy Cashmap With all of the magic pills being offered to boost your sales, there is one that is far more powerful than any other. It is the “Voice of the Customer.” What do we mean…

Writers Famous Quotes

“What you want, wants you.” Mark Victor Hansen “Hope might be a virtue, but it is rarely a strategy.” Richard Parson “If you were seated at a table of, say, 15 of the greatest minds and successes of our day,…