Month: December 2008

Top Technology Breakthroughs of 2008

10. Flexible Displays Researchers have worked on thin, paperlike displays that can be folded, rolled or sewn into the sleeve of your hoodie. Flexible displays could change the way we interact with the info-universe, creating new kinds of cellphones, portable…

Google Adwords

The AdWords checklist looks something like this: 1-Keywords in narrow silos 2-Peel and stick your top 20 keywords 3-Relentless split testing of ads 4-Thorough list of negative keywords 5-Good quality scores 6-Landing pages that match the ads and keywords 7-Savvy…

Quotes from Gordon Bizar

“Every outcome require a specific set of tools and a specific mind set.” – Gordon Bizar at Jay Abraham Seminar in 2006. “Working in a collaborative environment with a collaborative spirit where the behavior of each individual is: no task…

Tracking the World Googlezon

It was the best of times, it was the worst of times; it was the age of wisdom, it was the age of foolishness; it was the epoch of belief, it was the epoch of incredulity; it was the season…

Core Competencies for the 21st Century

Every epoch requires people and organizations to develop core competencies or skills needed to be successful. Harvard Graduate School of Education professor Helen Haste has identified five that we should begin teaching our students. We  business managers should also consider…

Outsource Strategy Cashmap

Outsource Strategy Cashmap With the right Outsourcing strategy, you can reduce overhead costs (up to 40% savings according to a recent study), get more done in a shorter amount of time, and grow your business faster. In fact, since it’s…