Tag: inspiration

What drives creativity?

“To get what you’ve never had, you must do what you’ve never done.” – Harvey Mackay Many good ideas have been discovered because someone poked around in an outside industry or discipline, and applied what he found to his own…

7 Best YouTube Videos in 2009

Finish Strong Movie featuring “Eye of The Tiger” 4:14 I Love Living Life. I Am Happy by Nick Vujicic 9:00 Al Pacino’s Inspirational Speech 4:40 Any given subday inch by inch Henry V- Speech 5:14 Famous Failures 1:16 10 Keys…

Great Quotes from Great Leaders

At times we all question: How can I live my best life? What purpose in life do I hope to serve? How can I create the most life-changing impact on my business, my family, and myself? We search for answers.…

3 Best Videos of YouTube in 2008

Web 2.0 … The Machine is Us/ing Us Breve historia de cómo ha evolucionado la era digital en los últimos años integrando las máquinas a la vida del hombre para hacerlo más eficiente en la generación de ideas, comunicación instantánea,…