Octavio y Magdalena
Did you know that 9 out of 10 gifts are ignored and wasted?
If you need a Gift for a friend, family or client,
remember that it is not WHAT you give,
but HOW you give it, so it can make ALL the difference
to the Receiver and Yourself.
By the way, if you received such an Awesome Gift,
let me know cuz that´s MY passion:
to build Memorable Experiences with Gifts.
So far my favorites are:
- a journal notebooks like Leonardo used daily (brand: Moleskine)
- a cool touch screen pen that last forever (brand: Chinese made)
- and a juicing machine for raw veggies (brand: Omega, available only in Amazon)
I am the Founder and CEO of Admiral Branding in USA and GrupoAdm in Santiago, Chile.
We help companies choose the right promotional gift for their client events and employee rewards.
Find your closest gift expert to bring UNCOMMON ideas to your campaigns at:
http://www.grupoadm.cl Santiago, Chile
http://www.admpromos.com.pe Lima, Peru
http://www.promogiftstore.com Miami, USA
http://www.admpromos.co.uk London, UK
Beyond merchandising & marketing, these are the kind problems I have SUPERPOWERS to solve differently, on budget & fast:
- How to create a website-platform sales-machine including: funnels, autoresponders & viral content.
- How to find the SWEET spot in your industry to differentiate your company when 90% of the market decide only by price.
- How to transform your sales team in a high performance EXPERTS for the current hyper informed prospects, so you can sell without selling, in a way that your offer cannot be ignored or compared.
- How to create ENVIRONMENTS of flexibility, cooperation & innovation in your team, even if they dont have Steve Jobs´ DNA of creativity.
- How to improve the customer service response, so your clients & your team can like and TRUST each other from the begining.
If you want to connect with me in Linkedin, or Twitter, go ahead, but dont try to spam your services unless you truly want to contribute or share your unique value.
Hi, my name is Octavio and I have a natural curiosity to ask questions about everything. I was born in Santiago, Chile, where I have lived most of my life. Travel experiences is a great part of my work and I try to do it with my wife most of the time. I am Civil Industrial Engineer and have my own Marketing Agency. I’ve traveled to over 30 countries in 4 Continents and my favorite is Peru. Because of their friendly people, great food, and unique art. Fresh water is still my favorite drink, and I love to learn new skills, specially making new friends with an entrepreneur mindset. My 3 hobbies are bycicling, protein smothies and CTR. But don´t ask me about CTR unless you really want to know cool things.
This page is not about me, it is about what experiences I´ve learned from others, that could be useful to you. So, I am looking a tiny 1% of people that this blog could be useful to transform ourselves in this new economy of sharing resources, creating together, collaborating for bigger goals.
I am not a visionary. I am not creative person. Neither innovative. However, I am a natural kaizen optimizer. Every single day for the last 10 years I´ve improved my B2B ecommerce for promotional gifts in Chile and Peru. So, my superpower is to build and improve b2b ecommerce that sell.
Besides my 80 websites in that niche, I´ve consulted to over 20 ecommerce in latinamerica and USA providing 3x strategies without increasing their marketing budget. I challenge you today, to give me any idea, any strategy or any vision, and I will come up with 10 ideas to improve them any day of the week.
I know seo and ppc like the back of my hand. And use it for different purposes like: run a contest, run a survey, get new leads with a tripwire, split testing (offers, pricing, USP), competitive intelligence, find unique niches, etc. I can create campaigns on the fly and take data-driven decisions in a few hours.
This is how I met George, my first client from USA. He wanted to automate the leadgen for his ecommerce. He tried from several expensive consultants and also social media hipster hackers. All of them over promised and under delivered. Then he clicked for his first time an adwords ad with a simple-clear-straight proposition with a reasonable 30-day guarantee to get results. That PPC expert convinced him and gave him the method to replicate the strategy in his ecommerce with 10x results in 30 days. Now he is a believer in digital marketing again.
Many people dont use adwords anymore. Too expensive, too much competition, low quality prospects. The real deal is when you trully understand that adwords is just the frontend strategy. The real fun and profits are in the backend when you build a much deeper relationship. This process is not a sprint. The ones who have the patience and pockets to use these tools wisely and persistently will win the marathon.
I started a B2B corporate gift company in Chile, with $5,000 capital, out of a succesful mistake in 2005. Ask me for that mistake when we meet. So, we went from 1 to 1000 products and from 0 to 1 million in 3 yrs. Then we were awarded as the fastest startup in Chile in 2009. After that, we continued growing, scaling and diversifying.
To grow, we focus on 3 pillars: traffic, conversion and economics.
At the frontend, we exploit seo, then to ppc, then building a relation with our clients. Our main business model is selling promotional gifts for rush orders.
Then the backend consists of giving 10x ideas to clients about how to improve their marketing strategies without increasing their marketing budget.
How do I get whale clientes like Google? I own a corporate gift ecommerce and my secret of success is to send custom and unique surprise gifts to prospects that I admire and want to deal with.
The most cool, weird and profitable so far has been a pair of socks branded with Google logo sent to the marketing manager in my country Chile.
I got his attention, then I ask him if I could invite my top 10 best clients to do a tour in Google offices. After those 2 contacts we became friends and I have done over 10 campaigns.
We created a network of suppliers, so we focus on selling to customers and coordinating with suppliers. It’s been a wild learning process since 2005 to recruit talent to our team. The goal is to have fun every day looking for new products and new strategies to improve our corporate clients results.
So, welcome to this blog where I shared among other friends who are determined to learn more about business, investing and marketing every day of their lives. Be happy to know that with each new strategy you discover and each new skill you develop, you will advance closer to the ultimate benefit of mastering your industry.
My purpose is for you to learn and see what is similar and what is different in your field, in order to modify and implement these strategies in your business to shortcut you path to success as well. Your benefits will begin when you sign up. Remember, this is a true community to help each other to be more competitive in our industries.
What is useful and many times painful to learn, could be a shortcut for somebody else.
All open source communities like Wikipedia, Linux, Kickstarter, Bitcoin, AirBnB, etc, share the same spirit where collaboration bewteen unkowns can be good for everone. Instead of accumulate and collect ideas, resources and knowledge, I want to share and keep learning from the best.
I started with B2B ecommerce and now I want to go beyond that. I want to create a hub for entrepreneurs in Santiago, Chile to develop startups in different complementary niches using breakthrough ecommerce technologies to provide an advantage to our community clients in their marketplace. To do so, we will prove marketing tools and services for their campaigns to generate leads and tracking conversions to get sales results. The main asset of this project is the people involved, so we want to expand and become a great environment to training and working with talented people and the great list of suppliers and clients to build campaigns with clear communication about the benefits and value the client receive.
We want to solve urgent problems in our community with sustainable results. We want to expand and develop not only the marketing systems but the innovative products too. The business model and the company´s culture can be a model for other companies to replicate, so we can become a modern university to learn, implement and teach. Drop a comment if you want to join.
If you want to test your Spanish, continue here…
All the best,
Tel. (56-2) 2231 3909
We want to invite you to be one of our contributors for “FINANCIAL IQ” publication; or you give us permission to publish some of your works in our publication.
The publication focuses on development of Entrepreneurs through publication and training.
We released two editions as pilot programme and the response was encouraging. We are currently working on our website.