Case Study: Growing a B2B eCommerce Business 527% in 18 Months
The portable bar company
Understand Customers
Focus on Building Trust and Creating Transparency
Get Ruthless about Processes
Drive Traffic and Awareness by Generating Expert Content and Ruthlessly Re-Purposing
Maximize Traffic Using Opt-ins to Convert Visitors into Qualified Leads
Leverage Automated Follow-Up to Convert Leads into Buyers
Create Transparency and Drive Sales with High-Quality Images and Video
Create Referrals, Testimonials and Design Improvements with Follow-up Calls
Use Synergy to Create Geometric Growth
The first three techniques (driving traffic, capturing leads, and converting leads into customers) all worked synergistically to create geometric growth in the business. Any one technique alone would have been far less effective.
Platform VS Pipeline
In the future, all business will be tech businesses. Platform thinking is about redefining the rules and playing a different game than traditional “pipe” business. All successful business are going to be based on platform thinking as opposed to pipe thinking (eg. AirBnB vs Hilton). How do you think about platform business? How can you integrate platform elements into an existing pipe business?
Stop thinking about building a “pipe” and start thinking about how to incorporate platform elements into existing businesses. The next step of Optimize–>Outsource –> Automate is “Platform” – getting users to do it for you. Seth Godin is right about everything – ie. network/connections are getting more valuable.
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