Tag: google

The Great Tech War Of 2012

Amazon, Apple, Facebook, and Google don’t recognize any borders; they feel no qualms about marching beyond the walls of tech into retailing, advertising, publishing, movies, TV, communications, and even finance. Across the economy, these four companies are increasingly setting the…

How Google managed a worst-case scenario

A while ago, there was a widespread outage on Google’s Gmail service for more than an hour. Google’s response to its customers was a good example of how every business should act. First, they acknowledged that there had been a…

Apple-Google Rivalry Goes Global

Forget Microsoft-Apple or Microsoft-Google. A new rivalry is developing in the tech world. Google and Apple are increasingly squaring off over lucrative markets like the mobile computing field. And there are many examples of the competition between the two for…

Google Adwords

The AdWords checklist looks something like this: 1-Keywords in narrow silos 2-Peel and stick your top 20 keywords 3-Relentless split testing of ads 4-Thorough list of negative keywords 5-Good quality scores 6-Landing pages that match the ads and keywords 7-Savvy…

Tracking the World Googlezon

It was the best of times, it was the worst of times; it was the age of wisdom, it was the age of foolishness; it was the epoch of belief, it was the epoch of incredulity; it was the season…