Evolution of SEO

Traditional SEO is slowly dying. For sure, backlinks and optimization is important… but what Google is really trying to do is read your mind.

Google wants to give you what you want and what you like before you know it, and it’s super advanced machine learning artificial intelligence algorithm has a crap-load of data…

Android phones make up over 80% of the smart phone market and so Google sees which businesses you visit, which businesses you call, what topics you search for and the brands you like and search for too.

If you can increase the “Top of Mind Awareness” of a business, product or service, you can increase it’s rankings… because Google’s big A.I. brain realizes it’s important.

This is what takes place as you publish Press Releases about a business consistently (that’s “Red Pill Traffic” as above)…

This increased visibility from your campaigns plants the brand in more people’s minds and as it drives more traffic, Google pays more attention.

So the rankings, traffic and ‘Top Of Mind Awareness’ drive more traffic and generates more phone calls and visits to the business…

And altogether, you’re showing Google the business is happening, relevant and gaining in popularity…

At some point you hit a tipping point and Google ranks you higher… and if you’re a local business, it can also place you in the local 3-pack and send you a flood of traffic.

Interesting Link: Evolution of SEO in the last 25 years

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