Richard Friend’s supermolecules will give us paper-thin display screens–and much more.
Linda Buck maps the brain using her nose.
Daniel Branagan and his heroic metal.
Masatsugu Taniguchi tries to create the first nonpolluting economy in the world–and a profit.
Bob Langer may help you grow a new heart.
Florence Wambugu feeds her country with food others have the luxury to avoid.
Charles Lieber sees lots of cheap, tiny devices in your future.
Larry Burns has a new engine.
Steve Quake wants to speed up drug discovery by setting off a million reactions at once–all in a one-inch-square slab of rubber.
Hernando de Soto’s radical plan to end world poverty.
Chaitan Khosla makes drugs from soil.
Steven Wallman tries to make the market more efficient for individual investors.
Vanessa Kirsch reinvents charity.
Charles Simonyi’s smarter software.
Will Wright’s videogames simulate life–or at least the life we might live in the future.