Tag: future

The Future Is Wild

How will the world look in 5 million, 100 million and 200 million years? How will the continents look? Will it be hot or cold? And what kinds of fantastic creatures will be walking the Earth? These are the questions…

Trend Predictions that will Shape the Future

The 16 major trends that will shape the new century 1. The age of instant communications. 2. A world without economic borders. 3. Four steps to a one-world economy. 4. Internet commerce and learning. 5. The new service society. 6.…

15 People Who Will Reinvent Your Future

Seeing the Light Scott Woolley Richard Friend’s supermolecules will give us paper-thin display screens–and much more. The Secrets of Scent Daniel Lyons Linda Buck maps the brain using her nose. Steely Dan Lea Goldman Daniel Branagan and his heroic metal.…