Business Plan Writing For Venture Capital Strategy Cashmap Anyone who is thinking of investing their hard-earned cash into something, wants to feel reassured that they are likely to get a return on their investment – otherwise why would they do…
Social Media Marketing Strategy Cashmap
Social Media Marketing Strategy Cashmap If you want to grow your business without really trying- social media marketing is the fastest and cheapest way to do it. Just by investing a few minutes of your time each day, you can…
Marketing & Advertising Quotes
“Make it simple. Make it memorable. Make it inviting to look at. Make it fun to read.” Leo Burnett “Business has only two functions – marketing and innovation.” Peter Drucker “I notice increasing reluctance on the part of marketing executives…
How to Wake Up With a Natural High
Ever had days when getting out of bed was the last thing you wanted to do? I’ve had those days, too. I once thought that I needed to take supplements in order to wake up all energized and ready to…
Did God make the laws of nature?
Did God make nutrition? Did God make the laws of nature so that surgical procedures would work – and so that the combustion engine would work – and so that energy medicine would work (and a thousand others)? I believe…
5 Great Inspirational Movies of Recent Times
Here are the trailers of some of the best inspirational recent movies. Let me know if you want to add other good ones. Goal! The Dream Begins – an outstanding video you can pick up at or other video…
Quantum Physics and Mind/Body Connections
The New Physics and readings from science: Quantum Physics has turned topsy turvy all of our cherished notions of how things work. In this world time can flow backwards with particles dying before they are born. Space is curved and…
Nike Commercial Ads on TV
Nike “Awake” Commercial Nike Lance Armstrong “Feed The Warrior” Nike Golf – Never – Tiger Woods Roger Federer and Tiger Woods ad Sharapova – Nike Commercial ‘I feel pretty’ Michael Jordan “Frozen Moment” Nike Commercial Michael Jordan “Tell Me” Nike…
Traffic with Dynamic Linking Strategy Cashmap
Traffic through Back Links, Content Distribution and Dynamic Linking Strategy Cashmap There are many ways to get more people on your site, but one of the fastest ways is through search engine optimization (SEO) via content distribution, back links and…
The Champion’s Creed
I’ve taken this affirmation with me all over the world. Reading it regularly will help you become resilient in the face of life’s challenges. Stay focused on your goals and decorate your desk with this beautiful “Champion’s Creed” Success leaves…
Anti-bacterial Soap Required?
We’ve told you before that anti-bacterial soap is not necessary. Regular soap, when used properly, kills bacteria perfectly fine. (You should wash your hands for at least 20 seconds, and get between those fingers.) Now new research from the University…
Jumpstart Your Creativity
What Do You Want to Create? Perhaps the greatest myth about creativity is the idea that it’s a rare gift or genetic endowment possessed by only a few. We see an original painting, feel moved to our core by a…
Make Money with Strategy Cashmap
Make Money with Strategy Cashmap Here’s the good news: is still the most visited blogging platform in the world. According to, in May 2009, 52 million people in the United States alone visited a blog. Those…
Phenomenon (1996)
What kind of earthqueakes can you predict in your life? What are you learning today to let your dreams come true? What changes have you experieced or want to experience? Memorable Quotes Bonnie: George Malley! You learned the Portuguese language…
Protected: Joe Polish
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Affiliate Marketing Solution for B2B e-Commerce
Business-to-business (B2B) describes commerce transactions between businesses, such as between a manufacturer and a wholesaler, or between a wholesaler and a retailer. Contrasting terms are business-to-consumer (B2C) and business-to-government (B2G). The volume of B2B transactions is much higher than the…
How Do You Teach Someone Discernment?
How many more choices do we have now than 10 years ago? No less than 100 times more, probably 1000 times more. 1000 times more people talking and sending out newsletters, and only you can decide who to pay attention…
Push Your Boundaries
“If you can’t, you must. If you must, you can.” by Tony Robbins Being in the comfort zone is the primary cause for laziness in most of the people. It is similar to the gravitational field. You got to do…
Contest Marketing
Fitness Expert Reveals Contest Marketing Tactics Today I talk with Craig Ballantyne who has been featured in Mens Health Magazine and runs the popular fitness website Inside the fitness industry the concept of Contest Marketing is a huge wave…
Creativity: These are some other books on creativity that you might like. It is unlikely that you will learn new “techniques” because most of these have been covered in the required reading, but you might think you have because you…
Mark Joyner
Mark Joyner is a #1 best-selling author of over a dozen books translated in almost as many languages. He is widely recognized as one of the early pioneers of e-commerce, responsible for inventing, pioneering, and popularizing many of the technologies…
Beautiful Minds: Voyage into the Brain
Howard’s talents were discovered while he was counting peas. He was still a child when, while having lunch at his home in Bournemouth on the British South Coast, he started to complain badly that his brother Duncan “had two more…
How To Become Your Company’s Most Valuable Employee
Today, I’d like to give you a simple, three-part formula that, when followed, will make any ordinary employee into a superstar. If you are working for somebody else now, you can use it to become your company’s most valuable employee.…
Scarcity VS Abundance Mentality
“I believe in abundance, I desire abundance, I receive abundance.” Shakti Gawain Let’s revisit the three examples from the beginning of this article, to determine how behavior might change in these circumstances with an Abundance mentality. One who believes that…
Best Movie Quotes
“Every man dies, but not every man really lives.” —Mel Gibson as William Wallace in “Braveheart” “Life moves pretty fast. If you don’t stop and look around once in awhile, you might miss it.” —Matthew Broderick as Ferris Bueller in…
Great Teachers Series: Dr. Joe Vitale Teaches the Law of Attraction
Great Teachers Series: Dr. Joe Vitale Teaches the Law of Attraction “The 5 Missing Secrets” Not Revealed in The Secret Dr. Joe Vitale of The Secret says there were “5 Missing Secrets” (that are essential for you to know) not…
Autoresponder Strategy Cashmap
Autoresponder Strategy Cashmap Can you imagine how much time (and money) you can save with a tool that allows you to reach out to thousands of people at once with just a click of a button? Well, what if this…
Traffic through Social Media Content Syndication Strategy Cashmap
Traffic through Social Media Content Syndication Strategy Cashmap If you’ve ever wondered whether Social Media Marketing was worth your time, here’s some information that might help you decide. A recent survey sponsored by the 2009 Social Media Success Summit reveals…
The Big Idea
I have learned many valuable lessons from my 15-year partnership with Agora’s legendary CEO, marketing genius Bill Bonner. None is more important than the Big Idea. In my father’s time, this concept was best understood by David Ogilvy, one of…
7 Secrets from the Smartest Businessman I Know
My boss is the smartest guy I know… I’m not just saying it because he signs my paychecks. Seriously, I mean it. He does things most bosses don’t do. It’s made him a wealthy man. And it’s made many of…
Breakthrough Recommended Books
Breakthroughs! by P. Ranganath Nayak This is the story about the people and companies behind fourteen of the most successful 20th century commercial breakthroughs: the VCR, the Post-it note, ChemLawn, Tagamet, the Walkman, The CAT Scanner, the microwave oven, Toyota…
Stunning Pictures and Photos
50 (Really) Stunning Pictures and Photos 130 Creative Pictures Animals Funny angles Surfing Digg Stumble Upon Buzz
Rise of the Author by Mark Joyner
How to write a bestseller book in 90 days There are many reasons for why almost everyone alive secretly wishes they were a best-selling author (prestige, satisfaction, money, free leads for your business, a massive pay raise …), but that…
Quotes from Zig Ziglar
“You can have everything in life you want, if you will just help other people get what they want.” “Your attitude, not your aptitude, will determine your altitude. ” “You were born to win, but to be a winner, you…
Save Money with Green Home Energy Strategy Cashmap
Save Money with Green Home Energy Strategy Cashmap Have you ever taken a moment to think about how much you’re spending on your electricity bills a year? According to the U.S. Energy Information Administration, American households can spend over $1800…
Out-of-the-Box Brain
Let’s pretend that the diagram below belongs to you—that this is the shape of the all-important mindset that defines your general BrainMap Profile—and that it depicts how your brain thinks (even though it is only a sample of the many…
50 Regresive Goals
50. Stay focused. 49. Divide your time for each task in hand. 48. Analyze the outcome of your effort and decide accordingly how much time you need to spend. 47. Take a break. 46. Spend time with your loved ones.…
Video Marketing Strategy Cashmap
Video Marketing Strategy Cashmap Arguably, the fastest way to spread your message to a huge audience is through video. In fact, a recent video on YouTube went from thousands of page views on one day to millions the very next.…
Greatest Generation
The Greatest Generation, is a term coined by journalist Tom Brokaw to describe the generation of Americans who grew up during the deprivation of the Great Depression, and then went on to fight in World War II, as well as…
Experimental Creativity Thinking
“The Advanced Leadership Clinic by Srikumar S. Rao is a unique program designed for exceptionally talented executives actively looking for exponential improvement in performance. It will enable you to smash all previous achievement records and take you to new highs…
Lost Generation
The “Lost Generation” is a term coined by author and poet Gertrude Stein to characterize a general motif of disillusionment of American literary notables who lived in Paris and Europe after the First World War, especially after military service in…
Getting Smart: 5 big trends about teens
Seeking meaning? Seeking connectedness? Looking to create a better world through social change? Does this sound like a mid-career manager suffering burnout? Surprise…it’s today’s teen. Why do Teens Matter? Teens matter because they are shaping the way the world will…
Protected: Web Tools for Entrepreneurs
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The Secret to Fat Loss
You want the secret to fat loss? Okay, but you’re not going to like it. It has nothing to do with green tea, acai berry juice, or the Master Cleanse. Instead, the secret to fat loss is a state of…
Who Is Elmer Wheeler… and How Can He Boost Your Response Rate?
“We are selling dreams. We are merchants of happiness.” Bernard Loiseau Who Is Elmer Wheeler… and How Can He Boost Your Response Rate? By John Wood The year was 1937… The Great Depression was still taking a heavy toll. Prices…
Baby Boomer
Baby Boomer is a term used to describe a person who was born during the demographic Post-World War II baby boom. The term “baby boomer” is sometimes used in a cultural context, and sometimes used to describe someone who was…
The companies that manufacture aspirin convinced us that it should be taken every day to prevent heart attack. Well, guess what? They’re wrong. Big time. According to Dr. Al Sears, aspirin has no effect on preventing heart attacks. Or strokes.…
Quotations by Gary Ryan Blair
Advancement only comes with habitually doing more than you are asked. Creative risk taking is essential to success in any goal where the stakes are high. Thoughtless risks are destructive, of course, but perhaps even more wasteful is thoughtless caution…
Efficient Decision Making
For people overwhelmed by choices…solutions for fast and confident decision makers. Small organizations tend to be more efficient than large ones because in a large group it is easier to separate decisions from their consequences. In general we make better…
Simpleology Bestseller Blueprint
The Rise of the Author In A Nutshell by Mark Joyner Because of Decentralization (in various forms) and the shifting of Technology … the power of the publisher (unless it morphs into something else) is on the decline and the…
Protected: John Carlton
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Protected: How to Read Ads
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Baby Boomer
Baby Boomer is a term used to describe a person who was born during the demographic Post-World War II baby boom. The term “baby boomer” is sometimes used in a cultural context, and sometimes used to describe someone who was…
5-Step Method to Come Up With Great Ideas
It was 1898. James Webb Young dropped out of school and started working for a book publisher. He was 12 years old. By the time he turned 22, he was advertising manager. In 1912, he joined the prestigious advertising agency…
Protected: Themes
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Protected: W Quotes
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How to Profit from your MLM program
In this series I separate the dirt from the gold in MLM revealing: Why MLM’ers Make the Best Marketers (there’s a twist for ya) Why Most MLM’ers Fail – And Why They Don’t Have To Why Being an MLM’er Prepared…
Powerful Questions Can Have a Powerful Effect
Each individual will define excellence in a deeply personal way. Consider these five questions while envisioning the quality that you desire for your life and career: What would your vision of excellence look like if it had no restrictions, and…
Branding & Marketing Quotes
“The things we fear most in organizations – fluctuations, disturbances, imbalances – are the primary sources of creativity.” Margaret J. Wheatley “Without passion, you don’t have energy; without energy, you have nothing. Nothing great in the world has been accomplished…
Is History boring?
Even though I hated pop quizzes, I love to talk about things like history, geography, and the universe — all the subjects we’re supposed to learn in school. Most people tell me they don’t learn these things because they are…
What I learned from Ogilvy
“Gentlemen, Kindly remember that the obvious is always overlooked.” It seems to me that some obvious things traditional direct marketers and even marketers generally have known about for well over a century are largely, if not entirely, ignored by people…
Generation X
Generation X, commonly abbreviated to Gen X, is a term used to refer to the generation born after the baby boom ended, extending from the early-to-mid 1960s to late 1970s. The term Generation X has been used in demography, the…
Make Better Decisions With This Simple, Uncommon and Powerful Step
Intuitions are sudden, strong judgments whose origin cannot be immediately explained. They seem to emerge from an obscure inner force, but they actually begin with a fleeting perception that starts a mental process. Science attempts to explain intuition as a…
Ultimate Cashmap Collection
talk about exactly what you will get today: 1)Traffic Through Backlinks, Content Distribution and Dynamic Linking Strategy & Action Cashmaps One of the fastest ways to drive a flood of people to your website is through search engine optimization (SEO)…