Quotes from Gordon Bizar

“Every outcome require a specific set of tools and a specific mind set.” – Gordon Bizar at Jay Abraham Seminar in 2006. “Working in a collaborative environment with a collaborative spirit where the behavior of each individual is: no task…

Tracking the World Googlezon

It was the best of times, it was the worst of times; it was the age of wisdom, it was the age of foolishness; it was the epoch of belief, it was the epoch of incredulity; it was the season…

Core Competencies for the 21st Century

Every epoch requires people and organizations to develop core competencies or skills needed to be successful. Harvard Graduate School of Education professor Helen Haste has identified five that we should begin teaching our students. We  business managers should also consider…

Outsource Strategy Cashmap

Outsource Strategy Cashmap With the right Outsourcing strategy, you can reduce overhead costs (up to 40% savings according to a recent study), get more done in a shorter amount of time, and grow your business faster. In fact, since it’s…

Empowering Beliefs

Empowering Beliefs can free the mind of our limitations, and allow us to believe that new things are possible: they unlock the chains which hold us back and open our minds to all kinds of new possibilities. Remember the story…

Simpleology Electives: Online Music Promotion

Simpleology Electives: Online Music Promotion This page contains the blueprint for a revolution – those who arm themselves with this blueprint can profit handsomely. But before I give you that blueprint, imagine for a moment the following … You wake…

Leadership and Greatness Motivational Quotes

“Successful people make their decisions quickly and change their minds slowly, Unsuccessful people make their decisions slowly and change their mind quickly” Andy Andrews “Only those who risk going too far can possibly find out how far they can go.”…

How To Use Mass Pay

Have you ever noticed how much PayPal fee’s are when you send money to a business partner or get paid from an affiliate promotion? Did you know that you can automate your payments by uploading a simple spreadsheet? Did you…

Pay-Per-Click Strategy Cashmap

Pay-Per-Click Strategy Cashmap If you have a great product or service, and you want to get the word out about it, then you’re going to need to advertise. The problem is, there are a lot of different advertising methods and…

What is the key to Zappos explosive success?

Tony Hsieh CEO of Zappos.com explains that the keys to his $1billion in sales in 10 years succesful company is in foundation of Core Values and Customer Experience. The extraordinary online retailer Zappos.com operates very differently than other companies, and…

Best Marketing Quotes

If you’re attacking your market from multiple positions and your competition isn’t, you have all the advantage and it will show up in your increased success and income. Jay Abraham Understand that you need to sell you and your ideas…

Blog Marketing Strategy Cashmap

Blog Marketing Strategy Cashmap In the recent study: Social Media Marketing Industry Report, a survey revealed that Blogs are in the top 3 social media tools used by marketers today. Here’s why: Because of their frequently updated, keyword-rich content, Blogs…

Possible Causes of Economic Bubbles

An economic bubble (sometimes referred to as a speculative bubble, a market bubble, a price bubble, a financial bubble, or a speculative mania) is “trade in high volumes at prices that are considerably at variance with intrinsic values”. (Another way…


How to Double the Customers on Your Website in 30 Minutes or Less with Google AdWords – and Beat the Learning Curve, FAST… Already Advertising on Google? Get 70% or More Visitors, for Less Money Than a Coffee in Starbucks…

Competitive Intelligence Strategy Cashmap

Conquer Your Competition with Competitive Intelligence Strategy Cashmap As online start-up costs get cheaper – some small operations open with capital as low as $10 – expect competition to get tougher as the Internet becomes more accessible to hopeful and…

Traffic through Viral Marketing Contest Cashmap

Traffic through Viral Marketing Contests & Bonus: Making Money with Squidoo Cashmap Packages + Traffic Explosion Cashmap Club In 2008, a car distributor company launched a unique contest to target their core market. Basically, people went on an online scavenger…

The Doorknob Principle

Before you open another door, follow this three-step process: Stop. Pause. Enter. It might take an extra 10 seconds, but doing this will help you become more conscious of your objectives and help you connect with your spouse, children, boss,…

How to sleep well without pills?

Falling asleep — and staying asleep — gets tough as you age. At 65, you have less melatonin than a newborn. Your body’s production of the sleep hormone just dries up. I usually sleep fine. Regular exercise helps. But when…

6 Rules of Life

The 80/20 Rule Pareto’s rule states that only 20 percent of your work accounts for 80 percent of your output. Be ruthless in cutting down the amount of time you spend on the less important 80 percent Parkinson’s Law Parkinson’s…

Productivity Strategy Cashmap

Productivity Strategy Cashmap In today’s fast-paced environment, you may be feeling that you’re falling behind on all the work you need to finish. One way to keep organized and maintain control of your life is to boost your productivity levels.…

I.O.U.S.A. (2008)

I.O.U.S.A. examines the rapidly growing national debt and its consequences for the United States and its citizens. As the Baby Boomer generation prepares to retire, will there even be any Social Security benefits left to collect? Burdened with an ever-expanding…

Dot-Com Business Plan

For you to start your own profitable business online, there are just a five steps: 1. First, you need to identify a reachable, profitable market niche. A market niche is simply a group of people who have similar interests (or…

Profit-Patterns in the Gold Market

Most people think gold stocks are confusing… risky… or “unpredictable.” Until recently, I felt the same way. But then, my research team came across the work of Dr. Peter Tufano. Dr. Tufano is an award-winning Professor of Financial Management at…

5 Questions about your website

7 Suggestions: spend a lot of time thinking about your website. Most customers go there before buying anything. But most websites are bloody useless. This is because people don’t ask themselves some pretty simple questions, like: 1. What is my…

5 Online Business Models

In the book “Moonlighting On The Internet: 5 World-Class Experts Reveal Proven Ways to Make an Extra Paycheck Online Each Month” by Yanik Silver, he revealed 5 of the easiest ways people can start profiting online. 1. Info Marketing (one…

Recession-Proof Your Career Strategy Cashmap

Recession-Proof Your Career Strategy Cashmap As economic conditions steadily deteriorate, more and more people are facing the very real possibility that they could lose their jobs. With many having no back-up plan, they’re left adrift trying to find ways to…

Possible Causes of Economic Bubbles

An economic bubble (sometimes referred to as a speculative bubble, a market bubble, a price bubble, a financial bubble, or a speculative mania) is “trade in high volumes at prices that are considerably at variance with intrinsic values”. (Another way…

Does the curiosity kill the cat?

You may know hundreds of people. Yet how many are truly fascinating? I’ve often wondered about these men and women. What gives them that special indefinable quality that makes them so enjoyable to be around? Some will say its education,…

Rich Schefren

Rich Schefren’s Review Share this video with your friends Rich Schefren, says bold and plainly that he believes that almost all internet marketers are doing things completely backwards!! Wow, bold statement. Here’s some history on this guy: At the tender…

Mastermind Application

Dear Friend, I will not try to sell you on applying for this mastermind group. Instead, I will simply tell you who it is for …and who it’s NOT for. This group IS for: People with active businesses who are…

3 Best Videos of YouTube in 2008

Web 2.0 … The Machine is Us/ing Us Breve historia de cómo ha evolucionado la era digital en los últimos años integrando las máquinas a la vida del hombre para hacerlo más eficiente en la generación de ideas, comunicación instantánea,…

Small Business Start-up Strategy Cashmap

Small Business Start-up Strategy Cashmap In today’s uncertain economic climate, the job you have today may not be around tomorrow. This is the unfortunate reality we all have to face. But amidst the uncertainty of these times, opportunities are lurking…

List Building Strategy Cashmap

List Building Strategy Cashmap An instrumental part of any business – on or offline – involves the generation and development of a list of customers to which you can sell your products and services. This List Building Cashmap packages provides…

How to sleep weel without pills?

Falling asleep — and staying asleep — gets tough as you age. At 65, you have less melatonin than a newborn. Your body’s production of the sleep hormone just dries up. I usually sleep fine. Regular exercise helps. But when…


YouTube and Social Media Trends Sometimes it pays to know a bit of history. Listen to this: The first video on YouTube was posted in April 2005. Since then, YouTube has grown exponentially. These days, 20 hours of video are…

Dog Grooming & Certification Strategy Cashmap

Dog Grooming & Certification Strategy Cashmap Some of you are probably asking yourselves: “What is Simpleology up to by producing a Cashmap on Dog Grooming & Certification?” Well, for one, we’ll be developing more “Lifestyle Cashmaps” in the future based…

5 Ways To Learn New Skills Quickly

It’s essential to learn new skills quickly in today’s information economy. Today, you are what you know. If you want to progress forwards in life, you need to learn new skills. But most adults resent learning. When was the last…

Writers Famous Quotes

“What you want, wants you.” Mark Victor Hansen “Hope might be a virtue, but it is rarely a strategy.” Richard Parson “If you were seated at a table of, say, 15 of the greatest minds and successes of our day,…

WordPress Strategy Cashmap

WordPress Strategy Cashmap If you want to get famous – starting a blog is the fastest way to do it. Never before in history have so many “ordinary folks” shot to superstardom so quickly – sometimes literally overnight. If you…

15 People Who Will Reinvent Your Future

Seeing the Light Scott Woolley Richard Friend’s supermolecules will give us paper-thin display screens–and much more. The Secrets of Scent Daniel Lyons Linda Buck maps the brain using her nose. Steely Dan Lea Goldman Daniel Branagan and his heroic metal.…

9 Invaluable Resources

What are some of your favorites or classic business and investing books? Here is a small list in my bookshelf that can accelerate your success. Contrarian Investment Strategies – The Next Generation (David Dreman): My colleague Louis Basenese mentioned this…

Blockbuster Ad Revealed

Ted Nicholas (pictured at left) is one the most successful and revered copywriters and information marketers alive today. His copy and marketing brainstorms have been directly responsible for more than $5.7 BILLION in sales over the span of his 50-plus-year…

PayPal Strategy Cashmap

PayPal Strategy Cashmap There’s a common misconception that financial giant PayPal is simply about “sending and receiving money”. While PayPal is indeed one of the most dependable and secure avenues for processing online financial transactions, it also has a wealth…

Greatest Athletic Achievements

At their best, sports are about more than just winning games and diverting crowds. They test the limits of what the human body and spirit can achieve. A great athlete performing at the peak of their powers is as moving…

Future by Design

Future by Design shares the life and far-reaching vision of Jacque Fresco, considered by many to be a modern day Da Vinci. Peer to Einstein and Buckminster Fuller, Jacque is a self-taught futurist who describes himself most often as a…