As a teenager, I had the impulses of a junkyard dog. If someone looked at me the “wrong” way, I started barking. This resulted in many scraps — most of them with bigger and more skillful fighters. I managed to…
Author: Octavio Urzúa
CEO at GrupoAdm, Regalos Publicitarios en Santiago, Chile.
Social Media Revolution Best Ads
Bailout with UPS Is Social Media a Fad? You can either promote your Business or Cause using? Social Media, so people will follow you or keep traditional advertising with big pocket budgets. Video Part 2… Did you know these Human…
Liquid Millions
Forget about Oil… Forget about Gold… Water is the Most Valuable Resource of the 21st Century. The world population is rising by about 80 million people every year. We are expected to reach eight billion people in the next 15…
Protected: Free Publicity Hooks
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The World’s Most Promising Uranium Play
A tiny $8 million company that has discovered $5 billion of uranium where no one else was looking. This is not only a fascinating story, it’s one of the most promising investments I can think of. It’s a small mining…
The Billion-Dollar Fungus
Now I want to tell you a story about a fungus of all things. A fungus that produces enzymes that unlock the sugar found in the cell wall of all plant life. It has already made my readers a ton…
Never stop learning life lessons
Gordon Dean was an American lawyer and prosecutor whose distinguished career was fairly typical for Washington types. He went to work for the Justice Department under President Franklin Roosevelt, taught in the law schools at Duke University and the University…
Protected: Facebook Advertising Experiments
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Which Company has a 246,000% Growth
The $1.7 5 Medical Technology Stock that Could Break Through $20 Next Year This medical breakthrough stock play is one I feel really good about. Because it’s giving 50,000 people every year a fighting chance against a killer disease. It…
Rebirth of the New BRIC
Expect some of the CIVETS economies (Colombia, Indonesia, Vietnam, Egypt, Turkey and South Africa) to be among the world’s hottest markets in the decade to come. They have the potential to generate the same kind of windfall wealth as the…
What drives creativity?
“To get what you’ve never had, you must do what you’ve never done.” – Harvey Mackay Many good ideas have been discovered because someone poked around in an outside industry or discipline, and applied what he found to his own…
Energy Finance Trends until 2020
Five Trends for the next 10 years in energy savings: 1. Cost-competitive clean energy Coal and oil have had well over a century to get costs as low as possible… Renewables are only now reaching scale, so they will soon…
New battle online: Google VS Facebook
Facebook went after Google Adwords with Facebook Ads, and now they’re going after Google Search with their new Open Graph Search Engine. Most people are excited about this because they love to see someone challenge Google’s empire. But me, I’m…
The Great Energy Revolution of 2010
Take Everything You THINK YOU KNOW About Energy Investing – and throw it out the window. The global energy sector is entering its most-promising stretch in decades – with more new technologies and more investment opportunities than ever before. The…
Protected: Marketing Weapons for Fast Results
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Finding Your Best Mental State for Trading
One of the most important skills a professional trader needs to develop is being able to manage his or her psychological state. Effective psychological maintenance can make all the difference between trading success and failure. The Zero-State In my own…
A Rebound Pioneer
Chile has been a pioneer for the last 30 years of great improvements. Mainly, due to four structural reforms: the creation of a retirement system based on private personal accounts (the AFP system), the opening of the private health insurance…
The Coming Backflow Boom
The Investment Opportunity of the Millennium The savvy investor John Templeton seized opportunities wherever he found them. And he built his small investment shop into the renowned money management firm Templeton Investments, now part of the $27 billion investment giant…
Pure Energy and Endurance with Stu Mittleman
Slow Burn: How Stu Trained Himself to Run 50-Plus Miles Every Day Endurance master Stu Mittleman holds the world record for running 1,000 miles in 11 days. Then, at nearly 50-years-old, he ran 3,000 miles over two months—more than two…
Don’t just add to your success, multiply it!
Perhaps you’re familiar with the amazing mathematics problem that asks you to figure out whether you’d have more money at the end of one month if you received $3 million on the first day or got a penny on day…
Who Invented Credit Cards
“The almost magical convenience of plastic money is critical to our famously compulsive consumer economy. With more than 641 million credit cards in circulation and accounting for an estimated $1.5 trillion of consumer spending, the U.S. economy has clearly gone…
Protected: Six Ways to Turn a “No” Into “Yes
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Swallow your pride occasionally
History has not been particularly kind to all manner of experts and their definitive pronouncements: Anglican Archbishop James Ussher (1581-1656) researched the dates of Biblical events and painstakingly subtracted all the Old Testament generations. When he finished his calculations, he…
Are You An Extreme Entrepreneur?
Does just creating a product make you entrepreneurial if you never do anything with it? What if you take someone’s product and make it a success? That is not entrepreneurial? At what point then are you no longer an entrepreneur?…
Protected: Deal-a-Day Impulsive Buying
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The Lost Art of Conversation
Life Changing Discussions. Think back to a time you had a life-changing discussion. Who was it with? Where was it? How did it make you feel? That’s the power of great conversation. Conversation offers infinite possibilities. It is great for…
Protected: Unlock the Game Removing Sales Pressure
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Breaking the Comfort Zone
You have to do the 19 hard things. You have to make the call you’re afraid to make. You have to get up earlier than you want to get up. You have to give more than you get in return…
Artists Quotes
“There are three classes of people: those who see, those who see when they are shown, and those who do not see.” “It had long since come to my attention that people of accomplishment rarely sat back and let things…
16 Rules for Success
Bob Parsons® 16 Rules for Success in Business and Life in General 1. Get and stay out of your comfort zone. I believe that not much happens of any significance when we’re in our comfort zone. I hear people say,…
The Battle for the 3rd Element
The Third Element could soon siphon off $10.4 TRILLION in oil revenues… and replace 148 billion barrels of black gold. The U.S. government is quietly spending billions to control this rare substance as a matter of national and economic security.…
Forget “Peak Oil”… Let’s Talk About “Peak Energy”
Have you heard of the “peak oil” concept? Simply put, this theory states that global oil production will hit a maximum (peak) level before declining. When oil prices hit a record high of $147 a barrel in July 2008, the…
The Rise of Crowdsourcing
“Crowd” and “Outsourcing” for the act of outsourcing tasks, traditionally performed by an employee or contractor to a large group of people or community (a crowd), through an open call. For example, the public may be invited to develop a…
Global Education Performance in China
My Top 10 Chinese Education Stocks Did you know that there are TEN Chinese education stocks listed on the NYSE and Nasdaq? Yup … TEN stocks. ATA Inc. (ATAI) provides computer-based training courses to pass professional certification exams such as…
Apple iAd Mobile Advertising Platform
Today during its iPhone 4.0 developer preview, Steve Jobs announced Apple’s much-anticipated mobile advertising platform, iAd. This has been expected since Apple acquired mobile ad platform Quattro Wireless, after having AdMob snatched away by Google (though the FTC may recommend…
Here’s how to predict your financial future
My greatest marketing lesson has absolutely nothing to do with marketing at all: 5 .. 4 .. 3 … 2 … invincible! On a scale of 1 – 10 rate the following: 1. Your general marketing knowledge. 2. Your belief…
A New Model of Economic Growth
Front page headline on Friday’s Wall Street Journal proclaimed a big up-tick worldwide in the manufacturing sector. According to the paper, everybody is making more and more stuff. This helps assure that the recovery “has legs.” Auto sales, too, came…
Inner Listening and Intuitive Access
Intuition is knowledge that you can access; however, it is not contained in the logical part of your mind. The logical part of your mind has been over-trained while the other valuable part of your mind where intuition resides most…
Honda and Domino Leading Online Marketing
1. Honda unveils new campaign as it boosts agency roster Honda has unveiled a new digital affiliate marketing campaign to promote its hybrid sports coupé, the CR-Z. The marque has also appointed Elvis to handle its pan-European direct marketing and…
Speech Attention Tips and Grabbers
How you can create a speech in less than 10 mins that is equally effective and to-the-point (without all the fluff!) 1. Start with the conclusion! Echoing Steven Covey’s 2nd habit, it is critical to have the end in mind.…
Break the Rules to Grow Your Business
Marketing rules can be the most profitable ones for you to break. The old “Madison Avenue” rules make advertising agencies rich. To make yourself and your business rich, you’ll want to join a group of rule-breakers known for their expertise…
Failing Forward and Succesful Mistakes
Being an entrepreneur is NOT for thin-skinned folk. You need to be driven to win, but accepting of defeat along the way. Some of the things I took home from my Oscar run, that I also realize are just as…
Protected: Entrepreneur Tours
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Thinking: It’s One of the Most Difficult Tasks We Do
“Many highly intelligent people are poor thinkers. Many people of average intelligence are skilled thinkers. The power of a car is separate from the way the car is driven.” – Edward de Bono Henry Ford once hired an efficiency expert…
Favorite Blogs and Web Sites
This is a round-up of some great websites and cool blogs that we think you should check out. Digg Stumble Upon Buzz
A “Digital 911” in the Works…
It’s no secret that signs of a major network crash have been appearing for the last few years… Now the cracks are widening, pushing the situation to a boiling point. Just look at what’s happening as we speak… * Just…
Self-disclosure: Be yourself
Day 1 of 30 days of self-disclosure: the real obstacles you face are not technical or strategic problems. They are issues at a deeper level that require some kind of transformation in your thinking to overcome them. Day 2 The…
The Biggest Revolution Since the Internet
In the next few years, those IT guys are going to start getting what they deserve. By now, your company’s power-tripping “get out of my way and let me handle it” computer specialist has become a cliché. Everyone has an…
How to Profit From China’s Next Move
For many investors who don’t have experience in Asia, figuring out what Beijing is up to is both puzzling and difficult. But a handy little tool called a “Form 13F” can help. In case you’re not familiar with it, the…
Brian Johnson – Philosopher Notes
Source: Brian Johnson – Philosopher Notes Laughing Matters “To be intuitive, we must cultivate our sense of humor and look for reasons to laugh everywhere. We become so self-absorbed and serious when it comes to our problems and melodramas that…
Tai Lopez`s 67 steps
1) People often dream about becoming a millionaire. There are 1,645 billionaires in the world. But only 400 or so are self-made (the rest inherited their money). And of these self-made billionaires the largest single category are investors. Investors win.…
How the Internet is Changing Advertising
What exactly do you do…? We create epipheos. Umm, can you be more specific…? Descriptions are usually long, boring, and forgettable. BUT experiences that create amazement, discovery, and inspiration are life changing. They change people to a point that causes…
Millionaire Parents create Billionaire Kids
Billionaire Kids Here’s One Father’s Brilliant Advice On How To Raise Your Kids To Be Billionaires – Make them aware of the full range of life options. – Do NOT send them to public school NOR to the prep schools…
David Frey
7 Marketing Best Practices Step 1 – Understand Your Market and Competition A big mistake that many small business owners make is to latch on to a cool product or service without first understanding the market and what it wants…
The SEIZA Position-Why It Relieves Knee Pain
If you go into any martial arts dojo, jiu jitsu, judo, karate, kendo, or iado, at some point, you will see the students sitting attentively on their folded knees in what is called the SEIZA position. This posture is often…
7 principles of Quantum Physics
Why are The 7 Principles so important? Because they affect everything in life and have an interesting relationship with each other. The 7 Principles are: 1. The Principle of Mentalism 2. The Principle of Correspondence 3. The Principle of Polarity 4. The…
Street Smarts Trading Strategies That Work
The secret I’m going to share with you today is probably the single most important factor in determining the success of stock market traders. If you can master it, you can make millions in the stock market. This technique is…
How to get an MBA from Eminem
In 2002 I was driving to a hedge fund manager’s house to hopefully raise money from him. I was two hours late. This was pre-GPS and I had no cell phone. I was totally lost. I kept playing over and…
Protected: My Own High Return Portfolio
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10 Realities of Marketing in 2010
1. If you sell coffee as a commodity, it’s worth 2 cents a cup. If you sell it as a good, it’s worth 25 cents a cup. If you sell it as a service it’s worth $1.00 a cup. If…
What China Can Learn From its Dustup with Google
If you’re keeping score in the contest between Google Inc. (Nasdaq: GOOG) and China’s central government, you should be aware by now that everyone involved loses. * Google stands to lose anywhere from $400 million to $600 million in annual…
Agora ETR
Choosing the Best Possible Life By Mark Ford 1. What are you going to do? 2. With whom? 3. And where? Spend More Time with This Destructive Person By Craig Ballantyne Look for a comfort-destroyer mentor who can push your…
Vitamin D New Perspectives on Health
Vitamin D is not a vitamin but a hormone. It is unique in that it is made in the skin as a result of exposure to sunlight. Photosynthesis of vitamin D has been occurring on earth for more than 750…
The Most Popular Alternative Energy
Solar power doesn’t work at night. Wind power needs wind. Hydro runs into droughts. Geothermal works great, but it’s scarce. Alternative energies are a pain in the neck. They’re expensive and inconvenient. “Biomass” is America’s newest alternative power source. It…
Book Reviews
Fight Mediocrity Summaries How to Be a Man – The Way of the Superior Man by David Deida – Goals: dont expect completion of something to pursue your goals, dont pospone or procrastinate – Passion: dont get lost on task…
Secure Internet Surfing
The government has the legal right to access your entire Internet activity history without asking for any permission. It’s authorized through the Patriot Act, which runs around the Fourth Amendment – “unreasonable search and seizure” – by getting the info…
The Wonders of Water: Amazing Secrets for Health and Wellness
1. Water prevents and helps to cure heartburn. 2. Water prevents and helps to cure arthritis. 3. Water prevents and helps to cure back pain. 4. Water prevents and helps to cure angina. 5. Water prevents and helps to cure…
10 FAQ for Trading Strategies
Former floor trader on the IMM, IOM, NYFE and LIFFE as well as a risk manager of a large, multinational corporation in Geneva, Switzerland, also author of best selling books on forex trading and trend following. In 1995, he founded…
The Most Interesting Ad in the World
“In the modern world of business, it is useless to be a creative, original thinker unless you can also sell what you create.” – David Ogilvy Have you seen The Most Interesting Man in the World? I’m referring to the…
Secret Secrets of Coca-Cola’s Hidden Formula …
The Coca-Cola formula is The Coca-Cola Company’s secret recipe for Coca-Cola. As a publicity marketing strategy started by Robert W. Woodruff, the company presents the formula as one of the most closely held trade secrets in modern business that only…
Motivation Research: Understanding What Drives You
Motivating someone to action is, in most cases, the same as persuading them. Some would argue that persuasion is about attitude; and motivation is toward an action. We will review 3 reports on three studies that recently came in. In…
Smile and Move your World
It’s all about attitude & action. Mattering to the world all with a smile. How to Smile? Wake Up: engage with care and attention Be thankful: the opportunity to serve is a gift Be approachable: We are at each other´s…
Financial Predictions for 2010
As the manic-depressive decade of the 2000s came to a close, stocks staged a spectacular, global bust and powerful rebound. Housing also did the bust thing; we may be waiting a long time for the powerful real estate rebound, however.…
10 Internet Predictions for the Next 10 Years
1. In 2010, Google AdWords will announce a procedure for “hearings and fair trials” for banned advertisers. This will enable them to play “Good Cop-Bad Cop” with you if your accounts get shut down. 2. Twitter will get sold to…
Industry Aggregation with Gordon Bizar
How to Depression Proof Your Business? Why Traditional Recession Tactics Are Doomed To Fail This Time? Tomorrow’s sources of advantage aren’t like yesterday’s. … Ultimately, they are about a true advantage — one that accrues not just to the corporation,…
Protected: My $100 Million Idea
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Top Business & Life Lessons Learned in the last 10 years
1. Authentic Connections: Everybody has heard the expression, “It’s not what you know – but who you know – that counts.” For speed networking ask to people “What-do-you-do? Which are your largest projects? How-can-I-help-you?” 2. Be genuine 3. Make Intros…
The Ultimate Gift Experience 12 Days/12 Ways
A few years back, a little book started something very big. A message that has already prompted people to give to others, connect with friends and family, and help those in need like never before. Every one of us has…
Protected: Best Copywriting Strategies of the Pros
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