Oil is down $100 a barrel for the first time since February 10. Is this the result of a classic yo-yo short in anticipation of a major advance in the price? There will be little opportunity for this derivative to…
Author: Octavio Urzúa
CEO at GrupoAdm, Regalos Publicitarios en Santiago, Chile.
Asian Risk: Aussie and Kiwi down?
Could commodity based exporters like Brazil, Russia and Chile be the next in this down trend? Do you call this currency: Australian Dollar or Australian Yuan? The same applies to the New Zealand Dollar or Yuan. Besides all the exciting…
Google Glasses and the Era of Radical Change
Today, they can sport Google Glasses that make video phone calls. So, how our IQ would change our brains when using this device? Since the transistor was invented at Bell Labs in New Providence, NJ, back in 1947, the U.S.…
Breakthrough Fuel That Makes Oil Drilling Obsolete
It took the earth 300 million years to make the oil we burn. Imagine if we could squeeze that whole process into just a few months… a few weeks… or even a few days. Because that’s exactly what could be…
Reagan VS Obama: Social Economics 101
What is the Proper Role of Government? Is its Most Important Function to secure the rights and freedoms of individual citizens? Should Moral Values and State be separate? Could the Governement Create Wealth? What is the Real Cause Of American…
Successful Entrepreneurs after 60
Many very successful people didn’t get started until later in life. Harland “Colonel” Sanders was almost dead broke at age 65. He used his first Social Security check of $105 to investigate ways to “sell” his special fried chicken recipe.…
Abundance VS Scarcity Mentality
Is Our Future Abundant or Scarce? Are our Resources Expanding or Decreasing? Is our Thinking Shrinking or Developing? The Scarcity Mentality is the zero-sum paradigm of life. People with a Scarcity Mentality have a very difficult time sharing recognition and…
Chinese Financial New Order
For many years now, it’s been clear that China would soon be pulling the strings in the U.S. financial system. After all, the American people now owe the Chinese government nearly $1.5 trillion. This could be the Currency War of…
The Next Great Energy Revolution
The History of the Western World Is the Story of Energy Revolutions Over the past two centuries, every great leap forward has been driven by a corresponding technological advance related to energy. Coal — along with the steam engine and…
The #1 Predictor of Your Future Wealth
I’ll give you some hints: It’s not education. It’s not income. It’s not a great job. It’s not whether or not you have kids. It’s not whether or not you own your own business. It’s not intelligence. (people with above-average…
Basic System for Hiring Outsourcers
“How can I get a developer to deliver on time???” “Where can I get a programmer that I trust not to steal my code?” “I’m having a hard time finding RESPONSIVE programmers who can deliver on budget.” “To many programmers…
Why We Don’t Have Free Education?
Do you think we should have free education from universities around the country? Isn´t education a right that the State should provide to every citizen? Some people think so. And they’ve let the media know. But you’ll understand exactly why…
The Great Tech War Of 2012
Amazon, Apple, Facebook, and Google don’t recognize any borders; they feel no qualms about marching beyond the walls of tech into retailing, advertising, publishing, movies, TV, communications, and even finance. Across the economy, these four companies are increasingly setting the…
Best of Seth Godin on Quality
No relation between price and quality In industries under siege from external change (and I count music, books, airlines, pharmaceuticals, IT, telecommunications, etc) you’ll find that the extra fees extracted by the legacy companies DO NOT go for quality. They…
How Public Schools Make Kids Hate Thinking
A Look At How Public Schools Make Kids Hate Thinking Michel didn’t like the school system a.k.a. the mind prison. Look at these negative suggestions that are drilled into you in the public school system and college and tell me…
Why Goal Setting Doesn’t Work for So Many People
Today I’m going to drop a giant meat clever on the subject of goal setting and why it doesn’t work for a LOT of people. I’m also going to cover HOW you can achieve greatness without goal setting. Yes, it…
What is driving China´s growth?
The key to China’s economic growth isn’t “how fast?” or “how much?” The most critical question is “what’s driving it?”. Most people think that China’s current economic status is a mirage created by government stimulus and relies on exports. However,…
Fat Profits From Fast Food Stocks
McDonald’s went public in 1965, selling its shares for $22.50; now its stock trades around $90 a share. Fast food can be an occasional unhealthy indulgence – but fast food stocks can be a healthy dose of profit for your…
How Groupon Generates Cash While Losing Money
Groupon sells “Groupons” that allow its customers to eventually go and get something from the merchant that issues the Groupon. When Groupon sells a Groupon–say, a $25 coupon for $50 of belly-waxing services–Groupon collects the $25 immediately (from the subscriber’s…
Gordon Bizar Review of Aggregation
A Gordon Bizar student contacted me to know more about the implementation of Gordon´s Aggregation Business Model in my industry of corporate gifts. This is the transcript summary. RYB: I am exploring optimal ways to create a hugely profitable entity…
Bubble Theory and the Madding Crowd
In the investing world, we talk about bubbles. A bubble happens when stocks in a particular sector are over-hyped, and greed starts driving the market. In a stock market bubble, investors stop thinking about what they’re buying and start looking…
America’s Secret Elixir
What has made the US so great? Free markets? Smart people? Capitalism? Democracy? A two party system? Silicon Valley? Cheap resources? Or was it having the reserve currency of the world since 1945? No, that would not have been enough.…
Graphene “New Silicon” Discovery
Dry ice fuels new computer revolution, delivering China a windfall and early investors a singular opportunity You can use dry ice for a lot – keeping a picnic lunch cool, generating fog for backyard karaoke. Now it’s about to revolutionize…
Protected: Best of Dexter Abraham
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Unstoppable Bull Market
Two rare commodities that quadrupled in 2010 double again in 2011… three reasons they’re just getting started. This is the fifth consecutive month that commodities have outperformed the stock market — their longest streak since 1997. The key reason commodities…
Audience Business Niche
HOW TO FIND A LUCRATIVE NICHE Starting with the product puts you in the position of having to play GUESS marketing. Which goes something like this… GUESS who the ideal customer is. GUESS what their pain is (their needs, wants…
Homeless Stories
General Patton once said, “The test of success is not what you do when you are on top. Success is how high you bounce when you hit bottom.” No one embodies that more than the 10 people on this list.…
Burning Man and Gift Manifesto
If you want to receive more gifts for your cause, tap into your 10 inner gifts. 1. The Gift of Listening: Listening is the first step to real rapport. Build an emotional connection with donors by making them feel seen…
1-Day Tour Guide in Santiago, Chile
The best trip I´ve ever had was a 4-hour stop in Buenos Aires. How could I humanly squeeze that time to use it wisely, go for a steak at lunch, and without losing my next flight? It took me…
Best Tours in Santiago, Chile
Hi, my name is Octavio. I was born in Santiago and travel experiences is a great part of my work. I´ve visited over 30 countries so far and my favorite is still my own city of Santiago. I have…
Best Tours in Lima, Peru
Hi, I am Octavio Urzua and my hobbie is to travel around the world to awesome places. I have fall in love twice in my life, the first with my wife, the second with Macchu Picchu and Peru. Here…
Amazon Book Reviews
The Five Secrets You Must Discover Before You Die by Joh Izzo (recommended by ETR) 1. Why do some people find meaning & die happy 2. Why I talked to the town barber (and 200 other people over 60) about…
3 Latin America Markets You Can’t Afford to Ignore
The stock exchanges of Colombia, Peru and Chile agreed last November to merge their trading, giving international investors access to roughly 600 stocks – more than any single country in Latin America. Earlier this month, the trio demonstrated just how…
Truth Contest
TRUTH CONTEST giving is receiving share wealth truth about drugs clean energy green technolog learning education love sex marriage the present universal truth money or life Insanity is doing what does not make you happy, over and over again. Intellectuals…
How does the US export inflation?
Most countries hold their reserves in dollars, which is a safe – haven of sorts, and that is why the dollar is known as the – reserve currency – of the world. To counter deflation’s bad effects, and to stimulate…
Why Facebook points to the next Wall Street bubble
Facebook has raised $500 million from Goldman Sachs Group Inc. (NYSE: GS) and Russian investment firm Digital Sky Technologies, which implies that the social media darling is valued at a staggering $50 billion. This reminds me of the valuations being…
The Rare Earths Boom
Rare earths are a group of exotic elements of the Periodic Table (Lanthanides, mostly), with unique electrical, magnetic, optical and other properties. Without them there’s basically no clean tech, green tech, advanced electronics, electric cars, and much more. It’s not…
Why Healthcare Reform is Here to Stay
In her keynote speech on Monday, Nancy-Ann DeParle, Counselor to the President and Director of the White House Office of Health Reform, faced a hostile audience as she laid out the case for reform. The audience snickered when she pointed…
The Shale Gas Revolution
Just a few years ago, the energy investment idea du jour was to build liquefied natural gas (LNG) terminals to handle future imports to the voracious US hydrocarbon market. Remember Cheniere Energy, once the darling of newsletter writers? Now there’s…
Protected: Dan Kennedy
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Jon Benson 3x VSL
3xVSL 4 elements in top performing VSL: usp, stories, tips, comparisons 5 steps in vsl process: snap suggestion, vital connection, big problem, bigger solution, grand offer Pattern Interrupt | Attention Watch This Now Benefit Formula Create Scarcity Something Completely Different…
Frank Chester
Current science concentrates on power generation through explosion and exertion. To drive your car the engine has to burn fuel…leads to depletion of that fuel and smoke through the exhaust pipe. As a martial art most popularity is focused on…
What’s your biggest challenge? Click the one one that feels most important to you: “I don’t know how to stay productive” “I need help launching a business” “I don’t know how to get traffic” “I don’t know how to sell”…
Tabs will dominate Chinese computer market in 2011
We call this technology the “Chi–Tab”… but in the U.S. it goes by a bunch of different names… Dell calls it the “Streak.” HP has their own version – the “Touchsmart.” Samsung has the Galaxy Tab. Apple of course has…
Protected: DC Dynamite Circle
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Protected: Wealth Factory
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Protected: ADM plan 2015
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Protected: Peter Shallard
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Shaqir Hussyin
14 tips for entrepreneurs 1. Always Be Building Your List (#1 Asset). 2. Start, Grow & Cultivate An Audience – Not just a list. 3. Start outsourcing early on. Delegate. 4. Spend 20% of your time learning. 80% of your…
Paul Graham: money and wealth
How to Make Wealth If you wanted to get rich, how would you do it? I think your best bet would be to start or join a startup. A startup is a small company that takes on a hard technical…
Paul Graham
Money and Wealth in Startups If you wanted to get rich, how would you do it? Startups are not magic. Wealth is not the same thing as money. Money is a side effect of specialization. Wealth is stuff we want:…
The New Gold Rush of 2011
The gold price soared nearly 30% last year – punctuating a spectacular decade-long run that has seen the gold price quintuple! So has gold finally reach a “bubble phase?” Is the great gold bull market on its last legs? In…
Interviewing Successful People
Stansberryradio.com/james-altucher: Blog and Guests What I Learned About Life After Interviewing 80 Highly Successful People: Podcasting, to be honest, was just an excuse for me to call up whoever I wanted to call and ask them all sorts of personal…
Ramit Sethi
2015 the year of more/ I realized that most people want you to stay exactly where you are in life — and if you explicitly talk about how you want more, they get really uncomfortable. But I also realized, ONCE…
Protected: Mike Dillard
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Kickstarter Projects
Disadvantage of Kickstarter: – retail sale with high intensive presale work of hustling – get initial credibility with prototype product – efficiency of low cost production – easily to be imitated with different patented technology of big corporations Advantage: –…
1. I miss the mob In the mob times everything was one entry cost. Now we need to pay for everything all the time. Capitalism can be worse that the mob. The most important metric how much in and out,…
Corbett Barr
There’s Nothing More Powerful than a Deadline Action is what matters, and deadlines are how action gets done. Entrepreneurship as an Essential Life Skill This isn’t about building the next billion-dollar company. It’s about the deep sense of fulfillment you…
Platform VS Pipeline
PLATFORM BUSINESS The platform thinking series The best platform thinking in 2014 How to grow like Whatsapp and instagram with network effect marketing Welcome to the age of the zero-dollar marketing. Airbnb, Instagram, Facebook, YouTube, Snapchat. Each of these networks…
Best Bloggers and Blogs 2015
Sebastian Marshall: clever thinking Taylor Pearson: strategy thinking, reading list. Mars Dorian: mindset, autheticity, copywriting. Corbett Barr: different ideas. Neville´s Financial: crash a party, homeless, selling water, backflip. NevKopy: uber email, nevbox, yelp b2b Matias Godoy: economia para todos explicado…
Taylor Pearson
Case Study: Growing a B2B eCommerce Business 527% in 18 Months The portable bar company Strategy: Understand Customers Focus on Building Trust and Creating Transparency Get Ruthless about Processes Tactics: Drive Traffic and Awareness by Generating Expert Content and Ruthlessly…
Sebastian Marshall
The Million Dollar Question If someone gives you an awesome blueprint to upgrade your game, would you make it happen, no matter what? Why don’t people take the large opportunities in front of them? Why don’t they allow their dreams…
Mars Dorian
How to master your craft? The key is dissection in 3 steps: 1) You break your craft into it’s single pieces. (practical) 2) You learn the principles of building with pieces(theoretical) 3) You rearrange the pieces in new, interesting ways…
Analisis de Oportunidades para Crecimiento Acelerado
Este cuestionario esta diseñado para que entiendas mejor tus actuales fortalezas y debilidades en el plan de marketing de tu empresa. Si postergas lo importante para despues, para hacer lo urgente del momento, estas postergando tambien los resultados de crecimiento…
Plan de Marketing en 5 Pasos
Las estadisticas dicen que 3 de cada 10 emprendedores quiebran antes de los 2 años. Las razones se atribuyen a errores personales como mala administracion por falta de conocimiento y sobre endeudamiento. Si estas empezando o llevas algunos años y…
The Power of Words
There is a language of success and a language of distress. There is a language of progress and a language of regress. * Words sell and words repel * Words lead and words impede * Words heal and words kill…
Best Investment in South America
The efficient, well-managed rescue of the 33 Chilean miners was an affecting spectacle for the world. It also should remind us that Chile is a well-run country, and that in an era when commodities are ever more important to the…
Outrageous Advertising
There are ads that win awards and there are ads that make money. In this book, Bill Glazer delivers more than 100 case studies with OUTRAGEOUSLY Successful Advertising through traditional offline and online media for 47 industries, plus over 100…
The Next Great Bull Market Begins Today…
The key to making a fortune in stocks (and avoiding getting obliterated) is having a basic idea of when stocks might have a long stretch of gains… and when they might do nothing. This isn’t easy to do. But when…
Simple is Better
You get an e-mail saying “Thank you for using our website, since our deaf phone number is not for clients, signed by some Customer Service”. So, how do you really Win and Keep customers? Simply by delivering what matters most…
Generation Z
Generation Z is one of the names used for the First World or Western generation of people born between the early-1990s to late 2000s. As this generation is still being born, and is still very young, it is hard to…
Apple vs. Google Debate
The Internet search giant was trading at 14 times 2011 earnings. While that’s a higher multiple than the average S&P 500 company, it’s not all that expensive for a tech company. The thing is, sales grew at a mere 7%…
Is the Stock Market predicting Another Recession?
Last weekend, I hosted a poker game with some friends. During one hand, I made a series of bets, which caused my opponent to think hard. One of the other players coached him: “He’s trying to tell you a story…
The Coming Latin American Boom
Explosive growth in Brazil, Uruguay and Argentina is fueling gains of 125%, 136%, 361% or more… and here’s how to play it… According to the World Bank, the economy of Latin America grew twice as fast as the United States…
The Power of Time
“Time is free, but it’s priceless. You can’t own it, but you can use it. You can’t keep it, but you can spend it. Once you’ve lost it, you can never get it back.” – Harvey Mackay As I describe…
Entrepreneurs have the Advantage
For many years, major corporations and ‘big business’ had a huge advantage over the small business owner and entrepreneur. This was because they could use their big budgets to manufacture brands and positioning in the marketplace, and essentially ‘buy’ the…
Why There Are No Jobs in America
I’d like to make you a business offer. Seriously. This is a real offer. In fact, you really can’t turn me down, as you’ll come to understand in a moment… Here’s the deal. You’re going to start a business or…
Powerful Silly Ideas
“Read, every day, something no one else is reading. Think, every day, something no one else is thinking. Do, every day, something no one else would be silly enough to do. It is bad for the mind to continually be…
Succeed in the marathon of life
Start off on the right foot — preparation is the difference between dropping out of the race and finishing it. I ran my first marathon after my fiftieth birthday. I’ve run nine more since then, including the New York and…
Merger Mania is Heating Up in This Sector
In the cellphone world, it’s all about “apps.” In the oil and natural gas industries, it’s all about supplies. And in the healthcare sector, it’s all about pills. Lots and lots of pills: sleeping pills, anti-depressants, anti-oxidant pills. They’re everywhere.…